Stay up to date with the latest contribution from the QualitaX team.
QualitaX is co-chairing of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) DLT Interoperability Working Group.
The group is dedicated to standardising interoperability, one of the most important areas in blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT)​​.​

Enabling Real-Time Corporate Treasury for Banks with Blockchain
Watch our webinar with our guests from Adhara - Peter Munnings, Co-Founder and COO, Marelize Kriel, Cryptographer/Blockchain Engineer, and Coenie Beyers, Blockchain Engineer as we explore how the EEA Crosschain Interop spec is supporting PvP and DvP workflows via Corda and Ethereum interoperability.
QX Interoperability

QX Interoperability is an open-source resource providing understanding and analysis of 1) the current crosschain interoperability landscape in regulated settings, 2) the current state of interoperability between DLT/blockchain platforms and existing financial market infrastructures 3) the current state of interoperability in the digital assets space. It covers Industry Initiatives, Use Cases, Solutions Providers and Interoperability Requirements.
Learn more here:
ISO/TC 307 - Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
As part of the DLT/1 - Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology committee for the UK’s National Standards Body, we provide input and contribution into ISO/TC 307 and CEN/CENELEC/JTC 19 under the direction of the Standards Policy Strategy Committee.
The ISO Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology Interoperability Framework (ISO/WD TS 23516) was initiated by Quant Network in 2018. The framework provides a holistic, high-level conceptual architecture and explores considerations for interoperability between DLT systems as well as between DLT and non-DLT systems.
Learn more here: